What is diesel used for?

12 minute read Published on Jul 27, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

Pumping diesel at a gas station.

If you’re looking for a fuel efficient car, but aren’t quite ready to purchase a hybrid vs a gas car, then you should consider buying a vehicle with a diesel engine. Below, we explain how cars with diesel engines compare to gas cars and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

What is a diesel engine?

When you hear the term “diesel car,” what it actually refers to is a car that has a diesel engine rather than a gas engine. Both types of engines are internal combustion engines. However, the ignition process varies depending on whether you’re driving a gas car or a diesel car. With a traditional internal combustion engine, air enters the engine and mixes with the type of fuel that is present.

From there, the engine’s cylinders compress the mixture, which triggers the piston and crankshaft. The crankshaft then activates the car’s transmission, turning the wheels of the vehicle. Finally, the piston shifts back to its original place to expel the used gas from the engine through the exhaust pipe. This process, while complex, happens several times per second when driving a car.

Although both diesel cars and gasoline cars use internal combustion engines, the ignition process differs between them. When the engine’s cylinders compress the mixture of air and fuel, a spark plug is used to ignite the fuel in a gas engine. However, diesel engines do not have spark plugs. Instead, they use extreme compression to generate enough heat for spontaneous ignition. Therefore, diesel engines have what are known as compression ignitions. This process is unique to diesel engines and, if used in a gas engine, would damage the engine.

Choosing the right type of engine for your car

If you’re debating what type of car engine is right for you, there are a few factors you must consider. There is no one engine that is objectively superior to the other. Rather, a diesel engine will be better for some drivers’ lifestyles and driving habits, while a gasoline engine will be better for others.

The first factor to consider is how often you drive on the highway. Motorists who spend a lot of time on the highway tend to prefer diesel engines because they are more efficient on these types of roads than gas engines. You will get good gas mileage or, in this case - diesel mileage.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about running out of gas on the highway. The reason that diesel engines are more fuel efficient on highways is that they pack more energy into each gallon than gas fuel. Please note that diesel engines are generally more fuel efficient than gas engines, and they still would be when driving on urban streets or in stop-and-go traffic, but the difference in fuel economy would be smaller.

A second consideration that you should think about when deciding between buying a car with a diesel engine and one with a gas engine is the cost. Although the cost of diesel fuel and gasoline fuel is often comparable, you will likely pay more upfront for a diesel vehicle than for a traditional gas-powered vehicle. The good news is that due to the superior fuel economy of diesel cars over gas cars, you could end up making this money back eventually in gas savings.

One final consideration is driving experience. Historically, cars with diesel engines may have offered a slightly inferior driving experience when compared to cars with gasoline engines. However, this is no longer the case. For example, motorists once complained about issues like noise pollution, the weight of the car, or dark smoke, but these problems have long been rectified. Now, the driving experience between a diesel car and a gasoline car is comparable.

The advantages of diesel engines

There are a number of advantages to buying a car with a diesel engine. We outline them below:

Diesel engines are more reliable

First, diesel engines are typically considered to be more reliable than gas engines. They are more durable, and what this means is that you will not have to worry about constant repairs or problems if you drive a diesel car. The unique design of diesel engines makes them less likely to suffer electrical issues. For this reason, the recommended maintenance schedule for cars with diesel engines is usually much longer than for cars with gas engines. So, if you’re looking for the most reliable truck or car, consider asking a car dealership about one with a diesel engine.

Please note that although diesel engines generally last longer, if a problem does occur, these types of engines are usually more expensive to fix because they are more complex. For example, diesel engines contain turbochargers, glow plugs, and other components that may require the help of a specially trained mechanic.

Diesel cars are more fuel-efficient

A second perk of going diesel is that these types of engines are far more fuel-efficient. Since diesel engines use higher compression than gas engines, they do not burn through fuel as quickly. Plus, many diesel engines come with turbochargers, which improves fuel economy even more.

Diesel engines may be safer

One final benefit of diesel engines is that they may be safer than gasoline engines. Why? Due to the fact that diesel fuel is not nearly as flammable as gasoline in normal conditions. This means that there is a lower chance of a spark or small flame igniting the fuel. For example, if you throw a lit match into a puddle of diesel fuel, it will go out instead of burning. For the diesel to burn, it would take consistent exposure to a flame or high pressure.

The disadvantages of diesel engines

A few disadvantages of diesel engines are listed below. You should read through this before making a decision about whether a car with a diesel engine is right for you:

Diesel engines have worse performance

Diesel engines have excellent fuel efficiency, but where they lack is in performance. While they offer excellent torque, they do not offer excellent speed. That’s not to say that there aren’t fast diesel vehicles out there, but generally speaking, these engines are better for pulling than speed racing.

Diesel engines feel different to drive

Although diesel engines are no longer loud and noisy, driving one does feel different than driving a gas car. They still produce a bit more noise than a gas engine, and they are less responsive, especially when you step on the gas pedal.

Diesel engines may be more expensive

One last disadvantage of diesel engines is that they may be more expensive. To this day, buying a car with a diesel engine is typically more expensive than buying a car with a gas engine. This is because diesel engines cost more money to produce and last longer than gas engines. Many also require a heavy-duty transmission to withstand the torque generated by the engine, which also contributes to the higher cost. On top of this, diesel fuel is slightly more expensive than gas fuel most of the time. That said, diesel cars are more fuel efficient, which means you’ll be filling up the tankless.

Should you use diesel fuel or gas fuel?

Now that you know more about diesel fuel specifically, let’s compare diesel fuel cars to vehicles that use gas fuel. Keep reading to learn more:

Fuel economy

If fuel economy is your main concern, then you should probably choose diesel over gas. In nearly all circumstances, diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than gas engines. This rings especially true when driving on major roads such as highways. The more efficient your vehicle is, the less money you will spend on fuel, and the fewer car emissions your vehicle will emit.

Auto insurance

Next up is auto insurance. Car insurance is a legal requirement in Canada, which means that regardless of whether you drive a diesel car or a gas car, you will need to purchase coverage. The exact types of auto insurance that you will need depend on what province you live in, and a BrokerLink insurance advisor will ensure your policy complies with regulations in your province.

Although car insurance premiums are determined based on a wide range of factors, the type of car you drive is one of them. Vehicles that are more expensive tend to cost more money to insure. Since diesel cars are costlier due to the complexity of their components, you may end up paying more for car insurance if you buy a diesel vehicle.

Resale value

If you plan to trade in or sell your vehicle down the road, as most motorists do, then the resale value should be another factor that you consider. Typically, diesel-powered vehicles have better resale value than gas cars. They tend to depreciate slower than gas cars. The only downside is that the buyer market for diesel cars is likely to be much smaller than it is for gasoline cars.

Acceleration and towing

Since diesel engines compress at higher rates, they offer more torque than the average gas vehicle. This translates to faster acceleration and superior towing capacity. So if you plan to haul or tow other equipment, such as a trailer, to your car, then buying a car with a diesel engine might be the smart choice.


The reality is that buying a gas vehicle is often cheaper than buying a diesel vehicle, both in terms of the upfront costs and the cost of fuel down the line. That said, there are some areas where diesel fuel might be cheaper than gasoline, but most of the time, it’s the other way around. If you decide to go diesel, you should be prepared to pay a higher price tag.

Maintenance and repairs

Further, maintenance and repairs tend to be cheaper for gas cars. However, diesel engines are known to be more durable and resist wear and tear longer than gas cars. Thus, even though it might cost less to fix your gas car, you may have to have it repaired or maintained more often than your diesel vehicle.


Last but not least is convenience. Gas fuel is easier to find than diesel fuel. For instance, all gas stations sell gasoline, but not all gas stations sell diesel fuel. If you frequently go on road trips or drive in unfamiliar places, it might be more stressful or time-consuming as you will need to research in advance to find out which gas stations offer diesel.

What happens if I accidentally put gas in my diesel engine?

Filling up a gas engine with diesel fuel can damage your engine, so it’s best to avoid this at all costs. Although it might have been an accident, putting gasoline in your diesel engine can damage the car’s fuel pump, injectors, sensors, and engine. More specifically, it can affect the vehicle’s fuel pump and injectors because gas doesn’t have the lubricity that diesel does. In addition, it could damage the sensors by causing them to overheat or contaminate them. If you make this mistake, try to remove the gas fuel and replace it with diesel fuel before driving.

If you choose to buy gas, should you choose regular or premium gas?

If you end up deciding to buy a gas car, then you will need to choose between filling your car with regular gas or premium gas. We explain the differences between these types of gas below:

Premium gas vs. regular gas

Premium gas and regular gas are both forms of gasoline fuel. However, there is one key difference between them, and that is the octane level. Premium gas has an octane level of no less than 91, whereas regular gas has an octane level of 87. Most of the time, you will find 91-octane and 93-octane gas as the premium gas options at gas stations, while 87-octane is the regular gas option. You may also have the option of filling your vehicle with a midgrade option, which usually has an octane level of 89.

If you’re wondering why octane matters, the reason is that the higher the octane rating, the better the fuel is at withstanding compression before detonating. This means that if your car contains gas with a higher octane rating, the odds of it detonating at the wrong time are much lower. If detonation occurs at the wrong time, it can damage your car, which is why some people prefer the peace of mind that high-octane fuel offers. In addition, premium gas might offer better performance and fuel economy.

Although you can likely choose to put premium gas in any car, automakers typically only recommend it for luxury vehicles. Read the owner’s manual of your car to find out what type of fuel your auto manufacturer recommends that you fill your car up with.

How to keep your engine in tip-top shape

Follow the tips below to ensure that your engine lasts as long as possible, whether you drive a diesel or gas car:

1. Read through the owner’s manual

First, you should read your owner’s manual carefully. No one knows your vehicle better than the company that manufactured it, so you should take their recommendations seriously. The owner’s manual contains all kinds of important information, including the type of fuel that your car should be filled with and the ideal maintenance schedule.

2. Don’t skip an oil change

Oil changes are crucial no matter what kind of car you drive. They keep your engine lubricated and ensure all parts are functioning as they should. Whatever you do, don’t skip an oil change. Pay attention to the oil light on your dashboard and make an appointment at your local auto body shop when you notice that it’s turned on. If you schedule yearly maintenance appointments, your mechanic will also perform an oil change at this time. Remember that oil changes don’t take long, nor do oil changes cost much money, so there’s no reason to miss yours.

3. Drive responsibly

Safe driving is crucial if you want to extend the lifespan of your car. It’s common for important car parts, including the engine, to be damaged in a car accident. By driving defensively and responsibly, you can decrease the odds of getting into an accident, which, in turn, will minimize the amount of wear and tear on your car.

In addition, auto accidents devalue cars, so if you want to get the highest resale or trade-in value for your car, take care not to get into a collision. To avoid a collision, give cars lots of space on the road, focus your full attention on the road when driving, always check your blind spots, use your turn signal, and obey the posted speed limit.

4. Treat your car well

Make sure that you have a professional mechanic check out your car on a regular basis. Most experts recommend booking a maintenance appointment once per year. However, you should consult your owner’s manual for the automaker’s recommended schedule. Other ways that you can treat your car well include topping up fluid levels as necessary, rotating your tires, and warming up your car in the winter before leaving the driveway.

5. Don’t sleep on repairs

Lastly, if you want to keep your car’s engine in tip-top shape, don’t sleep on repairs. What we mean by this is as soon as you notice something is wrong, take your car to a mechanic as soon as possible. Don’t wait and let the problem get worse. Be proactive and have a mechanic perform the repair as soon as you can. Otherwise, you run the risk of the problem becoming more serious, which will cost you more money down the line.

Get in touch with BrokerLink today!

If you want advice on whether to purchase a diesel car, a gas car, or another type of car, such as a hybrid or electric car, get in touch with BrokerLink today. We can offer a professional opinion on the different car options out there and which one is right for you. We can also help you find a tailor-made car insurance policy to suit your vehicle and your driving habits.

A few types of auto insurance that we can help you find include:

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