What is a good gas mileage?

8 minute read Published on Jul 8, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

A closeup of a 3D render of a car fuel gauge.

If you’re looking to buy a fuel efficient car, then you’ll want to find a model that offers good gas mileage. While electric and hybrid cars are known for being among the most eco-friendly vehicles on the market - namely because they do not use gas - there are many other models of gas cars that still offer good gas mileage. Below, we explain what good gas mileage is so that you can choose a vehicle that aligns with your mileage goals.

What is fuel economy?

In order to find a car with good gas mileage, you will need to calculate its fuel economy. Fuel economy refers to the number of kilometres that a car can travel while using a specific amount of fuel. Fuel economy is typically measured in litres per 100 kilometres (L/100km) or kilometres per gasoline equivalent for electric cars. If you are looking for a car with good mileage, then you will want to choose one that can travel more kilometres per litre. The more fuel-efficient the car is, the less gas that you will need to travel the same distance as another car.

Please note that fuel efficiency and fuel economy sound similar but technically refer to different metrics. Fuel efficiency refers to the amount of fuel that can be used to power a car, whereas fuel economy specifically refers to how far the fuel will take the car.

Calculating fuel economy

Just as calculating mileage is important if you want to qualify for low-mileage car insurance, calculating fuel economy is crucial if you want to make the best possible decision for your needs.

Vehicle models are tested by various organizations across North America to calculate fuel economy. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States tests all cars in a lab to compare fuel economy. This testing phase is important because there are a number of factors that will impact a vehicle’s fuel economy, such as how fast the car is travelling, how often the car’s air conditioner or heating system is used, and how hard and fast the driver accelerates.

What is considered good gas mileage?

When you first buy your car, many car dealerships will advertise the fuel economy of their models. In addition, most modern cars offer a digital readout of the litres per 100 kilometres (L/100km). Generally speaking, a rating between 4 and 6 litres of gas for every 100 kilometres is considered good gas mileage, though some people might be satisfied with 7 or 8 litres per 100 kilometres. It’s also worth noting that what is considered good gas mileage for a car might not be the same as for another type of vehicle, such as a motorcycle or truck.

The benefits of fuel efficiency

Why choose a car with good gas mileage? Cars that offer better fuel efficiency consume less fuel. This means fewer emissions and less money spent at the gas station. Studies have shown that drivers of fuel-efficient cars can save thousands of dollars at the gas pump in the long run. Therefore, even if the cost of buying a fuel-efficient car is higher, the money you will save on gas could offset these higher upfront costs relatively quickly. At the end of the day, if you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint and save money, a fuel-efficient car could be a great solution.

Tips for optimizing your vehicle’s fuel economy

Whether you currently drive a fuel-efficient car or not, there are a few steps that you can take to get the most out of your mileage. Follow the tips below to make your car as efficient as possible:

Do not speed or drive aggressively

Speeding or engaging in aggressive driving is a quick way to burn through gas. When you accelerate rapidly or brake heavily, you can reduce your fuel economy by considerable amounts. Thus, for the sake of fuel efficiency and safety, always drive within the speed limit and drive responsibly.

Remove unnecessary weight from your car

When your car is weighed down, you will burn through more fuel to travel the same distance. So keep your car as light as possible by removing any unnecessary items from it.

Make sure that your tires are properly inflated

Our next tip to optimize your car’s fuel economy is to keep your tires properly inflated at all times. Underinflated tires can significantly reduce gas mileage, and topping up your tire pressure is easy, so don’t skip this step.

Maintain your car’s engine

A properly maintained car engine can go a long way when it comes to fuel economy. So, make sure to stick to your automaker’s recommended maintenance schedule. Doing so also can increase the lifespan of your car and help you avoid expensive repairs down the road.

Take advantage of cruise control

Now that you know how accelerating and braking suddenly can have an adverse impact on your car’s fuel economy, you can probably understand why turning on cruise control is a good idea. When you take advantage of your vehicle’s cruise control setting, you will reduce how much you step on the gas and brake pedals, which, in turn, will make your car more efficient. The good news is that most new cars feature adaptive cruise control, which means that they will slow down or speed up on their own, without you pressing on the gas or brake pedals, according to the road conditions.

Do not idle

Idling is when you leave your engine running while stopped or parked. This is a waste of gas, so why not idle and turn your car engine off instead? This is a good rule of thumb to follow.

Replace old air filters

Replacing old air filters in your car is important for a number of reasons. One such reason is that when an air filter is old, it is more likely to become clogged or dirty, which, in turn, can affect your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Thankfully, air filters are cheap to buy and are a routine part of vehicle maintenance.

Consider filling up your car with premium fuel

Premium gas, which contains higher octane levels, is known to be more fuel efficient. So if you can afford premium gas vs regular gas, filling up your tank with this type of fuel might be a wise choice.

The most fuel-efficient cars? Hybrid and electric vehicles

If you really care about fuel efficiency and getting good mileage, then you may wish to consider a hybrid or electric car. These types of cars are only gaining in popularity, which means that they are more affordable than ever before. Nowadays, you can find hybrid or electric models from automakers all across the world, like Honda, Toyota ( the Toyota Prius as an example), Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, and more.

Plus, hybrid and electric cars are known for their fuel efficiency. This is due to the fact that electric cars do not use an internal combustion engine. They solely run on an electric motor powered by an electric car battery. As such, they do not contain any gas whatsoever. Meanwhile, hybrid cars do have an internal combustion engine, but they also have an electric motor. They run on both types of engines, which means less overall fuel consumption and fewer emissions. We dive deeper into hybrid and electric vehicles below:

Hybrid cars

Hybrid cars are a cross between a fully electric car and a gas-powered car. They contain both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. You will find multiple types of hybrid cars on the market today, including conventional hybrid electric cars (HEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric cars (PHEVs). HEVs are closer to gas cars in that they rely more heavily on their internal combustion engines and use regenerative braking to power their electric motors. As such, HEVs typically cannot run on their electric motors alone.

In contrast, PHEVs are closer to electric cars than gas cars because they rely much more on their electric motors, with their internal combustion engines only kicking in when the electric motor has no power. PHEVs can travel solely on their electric motors and may require so much power that they need to be charged at a charging station. If you’re looking for an eco-friendly alternative to a gas car but aren’t ready to go full electric, then a hybrid vehicle might be a great option. You can learn more about hybrid vs gas cars here.

Electric cars

Finally, electric cars are considered the most environmentally friendly cars available today. They don’t offer good gas mileage. In fact, they don’t run on gas at all. Electric cars run on electric motors, meaning that to drive them, the battery needs to be charged. Electric car batteries charge using electricity. They do not require any type of fuel, including gasoline or diesel. You can find out what diesel is used for here. If you never want to run out of gas again or even visit a gas station, going electric might be the best option.

How do electric cars work? When an electric vehicle battery is charged, it gives off energy, which the motor converts into power and distributes to the wheels. This allows the electric car to travel. To charge your electric vehicle, you can install a charger in your home or use public charging stations. Most EV owners choose to install a station in their homes for the convenience it offers. However, you should budget for this as it can be expensive, both in terms of the installation costs and the higher electricity bills.

Owning an electric vehicle (EV) has never been easier. Not only does the Canadian government offer incentives in the form of tax rebates to EV owners, but EV infrastructure is improving across the country. Public charging stations are going up all over Canada. You can now find them along major highways, in shopping mall parking lots, in carpool parking lots, and at office buildings. In essence, if you want to eliminate gas fuel from your life entirely, an electric vehicle may be right for you.

Get in touch with BrokerLink today!

Get in touch with BrokerLink if you want to learn more about good gas mileage and what makes a fuel-efficient car. One of our brokers can help you calculate your own mileage and give you more tips on how to optimize your car’s fuel efficiency.

We can also explain what types of auto insurance make the most sense for your vehicle and driving habits. Since car insurance is mandatory in Canada, we will make sure that you have a policy that complies with the minimum coverage requirements in your province. Some of the coverage that we can help you find include:

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