What emissions come from cars?

12 minute read Published on Jul 1, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

Thick smoke emits from a car's exhaust pipe. Close-up with shallow depth of field.

If you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint, then it’s a good idea to understand what emissions are coming from your vehicle. It’s important to note that depending on the type of car you drive, it can emit different types of emissions as well as different quantities of emissions. Fuel-efficient cars tend to emit fewer emissions since they consume less gas.

However, electric cars are king when it comes to emissions because they do not run on gasoline, which means they don’t have any emissions at all. To learn more about vehicle exhaust emissions, keep reading.

Greenhouse gas emissions from cars

By now, most drivers know that their cars emit greenhouse gas emissions from the exhaust pipes as they drive. More specifically, vehicle exhaust emissions are a combination of various types of greenhouse gases and particles. These gasses and particles are only emitted by gas cars, as well as hybrid cars, like the Toyota Prius, when the engine is running. It is worth noting that emissions from hybrid cars are generally less than emissions from gas cars due to the dual engine of a hybrid car; they contain both an electric motor and an internal combustion engine.

The problem with the gas emissions that come from cars is that they pollute the air and environment, impacting the air quality and weakening the ozone layer. After meticulous research over the past several decades, scientists have discovered that greenhouse gas emissions contribute to climate change, and transportation is one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases.

Types of greenhouse gas emissions that come from vehicles

There are many types of greenhouse gas emissions that come from cars. They range from carbon dioxide, perhaps the most well-known greenhouse gas emission, to carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and more. It is worth noting that not all greenhouse gases are harmful.

For example, cars also emit oxygen, nitrogen, and water, all of which are harmless. To give you an idea of the harmful chemicals and pollutants that your vehicle may be emitting, keep reading:

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a greenhouse gas that has been proven to have a major impact on climate change. While it is non-toxic, large amounts of it can be dangerous, particularly when it comes to ocean acidification.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide, (or CO) is an invisible gas that is produced by the incomplete combustion of fuel. It is incredibly toxic to humans, which is why homes and buildings are equipped with carbon monoxide detectors. Most modern vehicle engines only produce small amounts of carbon monoxide. However, older cars often emit carbon monoxide in higher amounts which can be harmful.

Nitrogen oxides

Nitrogen oxides are produced through any type of combustion process, which is why they are emitted by gas-powered vehicles. They are known to contribute to smog when they come into contact with other chemicals in the air.

Sulfur dioxide

Sulfur dioxide is a colourless gas that has an odour resembling burnt matches. It is found naturally in crude oil, which is used in gasoline and diesel. When burned, it turns into an acid, which contributes to smog and can also lead to wear and tear on your car’s engine.


Hydrocarbons are the next type of pollutant that is emitted by gas-powered cars. Hydrocarbons are emitted from exhaust pipes as unburnt fuel due to incomplete combustion. They can also evaporate from the fuel tank when you fill up your tank at the gas station.


Benzene is found naturally in gasoline and diesel in small amounts but is also emitted from vehicle exhaust pipes in the form of unburnt fuel.


Lastly, diesel engines are known to emit particulate matter, which are airborne particles of metal and black soot. The good news is that modern diesel cars contain diesel particulate filters that trap these particles and reduce the amount of them that are released into the atmosphere.

The dangerous effects of air pollution

Now that you know more about the types of carbon emissions that are out there, let’s discuss why greenhouse gas emissions from cars are so harmful.

Since emissions are released into the air out of your car’s exhaust pipes, they contribute to air pollution. Air pollution is not only known to have a dangerous impact on human health and the human body - especially the lungs - but it is also one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

In essence, these chemicals and pollutants that make their way from motor vehicles into the atmosphere are one of the primary causes of climate change. In turn, climate change is impacting people and ecosystems all over the world. For instance, it has led to more frequent and intense heat waves, putting children and the elderly at risk. It has also caused sea levels to rise around the world, leading to flooding, and, oppositely, it has increased the number of droughts, which has contributed to wildfires that have devastated local communities and wildlife.

To make matters worse, in terms of the human ramifications of climate change, studies have shown that it is low-income communities and communities of colour that have been most impacted by these high amounts of air pollution.

Emissions from commercial and heavy-duty vehicles

Emissions from commercial and heavy-duty vehicles are particularly harmful, as these larger vehicles release them in higher quantities. Studies have shown that although heavy-duty vehicles make up a relatively small percentage of vehicles on the road, they are responsible for a much higher portion of emissions. Communities located near major highways or ports have experienced a noticeable increase in air pollution. Thus, many scientists have concluded that addressing commercial vehicle pollution is vital to reducing air pollution and improving air quality. Thankfully, as eco-friendly vehicles, such as electric and hybrid vehicles, become more common, some big businesses are making the transition from gas fleets to hybrid or electric fleets.

An eco-friendly vehicle option: hybrid cars

If you want to limit your vehicle emissions, you can look for a fuel-efficient gas car, as there are many models that are known for their superior fuel economy. That said, if you want to reduce your vehicle emissions significantly, you may have to try a different type of car entirely. Hybrid cars, especially when you’re comparing hybrid vs gas vehicles, are extremely fuel efficient.

There are two main types of hybrid cars: conventional hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Both HEVs and PHEVs contain internal combustion engines, as well as electric motors that are powered by electric car batteries. However, how they use these engines differs. HEVs are closer to traditional gas-powered vehicles, whereas PHEVs are closer to fully electric vehicles.

In the following section, we'll delve into the differences between Conventional Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs):

Conventional hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs)

A few key characteristics of conventional hybrid electric vehicles are as follows:

  • HEVs do not feature an external plug. This means that the electric motor is not powered by electricity. Instead, the electric motor is powered by the car’s internal systems. Specifically, the motor gets its energy from regenerative braking.
  • Since HEVs don’t have external plugs, they have smaller electric motors than PHEVs or electric vehicles. These smaller motors are not as powerful as larger motors, which is why conventional hybrid electric vehicles rely more on their internal combustion engine than their electric motors.
  • HEVs cannot operate on the electric motor alone. The electric motor only works in tandem with the internal combustion engine. That said, when both are in use, the internal combustion engine won’t have to work as hard, which will minimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions.
  • Conventional hybrid electric vehicles are usually less expensive than plug-in hybrids due to their smaller electric car batteries.
  • Since HEVs do have external plugs, the owner of the car will not need to install a charging station in their home or use public charging stations, which can be hard to find.
  • HEVs have larger gas tanks than plug-in hybrid vehicles, which could be more convenient depending on your driving habits and location.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)

Next, we describe the features of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles:

  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles contain an external plug, which is used to charge the car’s electric car battery. Since PHEVs have external plugs, the electric batteries in these cars are of higher capacity and can power larger motors.
  • PHEVs are able to run on both gas and electric at the same time. However, they can also run on the electric motor alone for up to 40 miles at a time.
  • PHEVs tend to be more expensive than HEVs due to their larger electric car batteries.
  • Since the electric motors in PHEVs are larger, the car’s internal system may not be able to charge it sufficiently. Therefore, you may need to use public charging stations or install an at-home charger to charge your PHEV.

The benefits of driving a hybrid car

If you aren’t sure whether a hybrid car is for you, read through the list of pros and cons below:

Hybrid cars have excellent fuel economy compared to gas cars

Since hybrid cars don’t run solely on internal combustion engines, they don’t burn through nearly as much gas as traditional gas-powered cars. This translates to better fuel economy and less money spent at the fuel pump. Even when the car is running on gas, hybrid cars tend to have better gas mileage than other vehicles.

Hybrid cars emit fewer chemicals and pollutants than gas cars

Second, hybrid cars release fewer emissions into the atmosphere than gas vehicles. Since both cars only partially rely on internal combustion engines, they do not consume nearly as much gas, which contributes to fewer emissions. If you want your hybrid to emit as few chemicals as possible, look for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle rather than a conventional hybrid electric vehicle.

You can receive a government rebate for buying a hybrid vehicle

To encourage Canadian residents to go green and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, some governments now offer rebates and incentives to those who buy hybrid vehicles. For example, you can receive a rebate from the federal government of Canada, as well as several municipal and provincial governments, if you buy a hybrid car and can show proof of your purchase.

You can become eligible for a car insurance discount

Some car insurance companies in Canada offer discounts to drivers of hybrid and electric vehicles. If you qualify for this type of discount, then you could end up saving even more money on your hybrid car purchase.

Electric cars generate zero emissions

Another option if you’re serious about reducing your emissions is to buy an electric car. Many people debate between hybrid and electric cars, but the reality is that if you want to minimize your environmental impact, the best option is an electric car. Why? They generate zero emissions because they do not run on fuel. They only contain an electric motor. There is no internal combustion engine and no gasoline or diesel. They operate solely on electricity. To charge your electric car battery, all you have to do is plug it into an outlet, whether that outlet is in your home or at a public electric vehicle charging station.

The benefits of driving an electric car

Below, we outline a few benefits of driving an electric car:

Electric cars are emission-free

Perhaps the biggest benefit of driving an electric car is that it does not generate any greenhouse gas emissions whatsoever. Since they don’t contain traditional gas engines, they do not release any chemicals, pollutants, or substances into the environment. In fact, they don’t even have exhaust pipes.

You can save money on electric cars

A second benefit of electric cars is that you can save money on your purchase thanks to a number of government incentives. The federal government of Canada offers rebates to those who buy electric cars, and the rebates are greater than they are for hybrid cars. Several municipal and provincial governments offer similar programs. In addition, you could save money on your car insurance plan by buying an EV and qualifying for a hybrid and electric car insurance discount.

Electric cars save you time and money at the gas station

Finally, if you go electric, you may never have to visit a gas station ever again. This will save you both time and money.

Tips to reduce your vehicle exhaust emissions

If you drive a gas or hybrid car and you want to do your part to reduce your vehicle exhaust emissions, keep reading for a list of tips to do just that:

Spend less time on the road

The first tip is to minimize how much time you spend on the road. You can do this by carpooling, taking public transit, or walking or cycling to places you need to be. At the very least, take steps to be as efficient as possible when you use your car, such as by running all errands in the same neighbourhood in one day.

If you need another incentive to reduce how much you drive, consider the fact that low-mileage car insurance plans are significantly cheaper than regular auto insurance policies. Learn more about how to calculate mileage and what mileage threshold you must be under to qualify for this type of insurance by contacting BrokerLink.

Remove extra weight from your car

Travelling light is another way that you can reduce your gas consumption and therefore, your exhaust emissions. The heavier your vehicle, the more fuel your car burns to travel the same distance. So remove any excess items in your car that could be weighing you down.

Maintain your car

Vehicle maintenance is of the utmost importance for several reasons, one of which is reducing emissions. Booking maintenance tune-ups ensures your vehicle is in tip-top shape, which will make it more fuel-efficient and increase its lifespan. Refer to your owner’s manual for a recommended maintenance schedule.

Do not speed or drive aggressively

The faster you drive and the more that you brake and accelerate, the more gas your car uses. So, if you want to consume less gas and generate fewer emissions, obey the posted speed limits and drive responsibly. Brake and accelerate gradually, and avoid slamming on either pedal as much as possible.

Avoid idling

Idling is one behaviour to avoid if you want to reduce your exhaust emissions. Idling is when you leave your engine running while your car is stopped or in park. To avoid idling, turn off your engine in these scenarios. If you intend to be sitting in your car for quite some time, roll down the windows if it’s warm out or bring an extra blanket or sweater if it’s cold.

Make your car as aerodynamic as possible

Greater air resistance can increase the amount of fuel your car uses, so if you want to reduce emissions, open your windows to make your car more aerodynamic. Another way to do this is by removing extra equipment on the outside of your car, such as roof racks, when not in use.

Take care of your tires

The next tip to reduce your emissions is to take care of your tires. By maintaining your tires, you will not only make your car more fuel efficient but also improve its handling and extend the lifespan of the tires. One of the most important ways to take care of your tires is to ensure they are properly inflated at all times. You should also check that your wheels are correctly aligned.

Contact BrokerLink for more information on car insurance

To learn more about car emissions, including the different types of car emissions, how they impact the atmosphere, and what you can do to reduce your emissions, reach out to BrokerLink today.

BrokerLink has a team of experienced and licensed insurance brokers who can answer your questions and help you find a quality car insurance policy. We have helped thousands of customers across Canada find tailor-made coverage.

Some of the types of auto insurance that a broker can help you find include:

Reach out to BrokerLink today to receive a free car insurance quote and speak with a licensed insurance advisor directly.

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