Most stolen cars

12 minute read Published on Sep 22, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

Close-up of a person attempting to break into a car.

Having your vehicle stolen is a worst-case scenario for most Ontario drivers. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to prevent your car from being stolen, such as purchasing comprehensive car coverage. In addition, knowing what makes and models of cars are stolen the most may help you make a wise purchase decision. Continue reading to learn more about the most stolen vehicles in Canada.

Vehicle theft in Canada

There is no denying that auto theft is a risk in Canada and in most parts of the world. For those who don’t know, auto theft is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a car. According to the Criminal Code of Canada, motor vehicle theft or possession of a stolen motor vehicle is an indictable offence that can result in a sentencing of up to 10 years in prison.

Regardless of this severe punishment, car theft does happen, and some types of cars are targeted at higher rates than others. Knowing which vehicles are most commonly stolen is important, especially when shopping for a new car. However, buying one of the vehicles on this list does not mean your new car will be stolen. However, it does indicate that your vehicle may be at a higher risk of being stolen, allowing you to take extra measures to protect it. Without further ado, check out this list of the most stolen vehicles in Canada in 2023.

Top 10 most stolen vehicles in Ontario in first 6 months Of 2023

For a list of the 10 most stolen vehicles, keep reading:

  1. Honda CR-V
  2. Dodge RAM 1500 Series
  3. Ford F150 Series
  4. Lexus RX Series
  5. Toyota Highlander
  6. Honda Civic
  7. Jeep Grand Cherokee
  8. Land Rover Range Rover
  9. Chevrolet/GMC Silverado Series
  10. Jeep Wrangler

Why specific cars are stolen at higher rates

There are many reasons that one car may be more likely to be stolen than another. However, one of the main reasons is that older models or more basic versions of vehicles may not have the same state-of-the-art security features as newer or luxury cars, making them easier targets. Vehicles with keyless entry, which can be hacked, as well as those that do not have ignition immobilizers, may be easier to break into. In some cases, even if your car has an ignition immobilizer, it can fail, allowing a thief to access your car.

Other variables that may put your vehicle at risk of being stolen include driver behaviour, such as forgetting to lock your car, leaving your car keys unattended, or parking in a dimly lit or remote area.

Locations where your car is most likely to be stolen

Auto thefts in Canada are more likely to occur in busy metropolitan centres, such as cities. For example, in Ontario, the cities with the highest theft rates are some of the largest urban areas, including Toronto, London, Ottawa, and Hamilton. However, suburbs and smaller towns also experience vehicle theft, especially as cars may be more likely to be parked on driveways or on the street in these areas.

Tips for preventing vehicle theft in Canada

While you may not be able to eliminate the risk of car theft in Canada, there are several steps you can take to reduce the odds of it happening to you. From installing an advanced anti theft device in your car to parking in well-lit, secure places, continue reading below to find out how to prevent car theft in Canada:

Install an anti-theft device in your vehicle

First, an anti-theft device is an excellent idea if you want to reduce the odds of your car being stolen. There are all kinds of anti-theft devices, like electronic immobilizers, GPS tracking systems, and TAG tracking systems. Any of these may discourage thieves from breaking into your car in the first place, or if they successfully steal your car, they can help you track down the thief along with your stolen car.

Look for ones with audible alarms that may scare the thief off before they have successfully stolen your car. Another benefit of anti-theft devices is that they may result in a car insurance discount. So, if you want to save money on your car insurance plan, contact BrokerLink to learn how to become eligible for an anti-theft device discount.

Park in well-lit, high-traffic areas

Thieves are more likely to target cars that are parked in dimly lit, remote areas, as there is a lower chance of them being caught in the act. So do your due diligence and try to park your car in a well lit area that is also well-trafficked.

Consider steering wheel locks

Steering wheel locks are another way that you might be able to deter a thief from stealing your car. These types of locks make driving away with your car more challenging for a thief.

Hide your valuables

Never leave valuables in plain sight. A thief is likelier to attempt a break-in if they see a smartphone, laptop, wallet, or other valuable item in their car's front or back seat. Ideally, take all valuable items with you. If you have to leave something in the car, put it in your trunk or conceal it somehow.

The reality is that most car insurance does not cover stolen items inside the car. Comprehensive coverage will cover you if your vehicle is stolen or if certain permanent features of the car, like the catalytic converter, are stolen. However, they won’t cover you if personal belongings are stolen from your car.

Always lock your car doors

One of the most obvious tips for avoiding car theft is to lock your doors. Always get into the habit of double-checking that your car doors are locked before leaving your vehicle unattended.

Never leave your car keys inside your vehicle or your car running

Another way to avoid car theft is to always carry your car keys with you. Do not leave the keys inside or even near the vehicle. If your keys are in the car, it is extremely easy for a thief to break the window and drive off in your car. A running car with no driver is a clear indication that the keys are in or near the car, so avoid doing this as well.

Further, if you have a spare car key, keep it someplace safe, such as in your home. Do not make the mistake of storing it inside the vehicle, such as in the glove box. Lastly, get into the habit of checking that your keys are on your person or somewhere safe, especially when you’re running errands or out in public.

Roll up the windows

Keeping your windows rolled up is also important if you want to avoid your car becoming a target for thieves. If your window is open, a thief’s job is even simpler. All they need to do is reach into your car and unlock the doors, and they will gain full entry into your vehicle. Even if you only plan on being away from your car for a few minutes, it’s always good practice to close your windows.

Comprehensive car insurance and vehicle thefts

Even if you take all of the precautions listed above, there is still a chance that your car will be stolen. That is what makes auto insurance so important. There are many types of auto insurance out there, but the main one that can protect you against the financial cost of vehicle theft is comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is a type of car insurance that protects vehicles from a wide range of non-collision-related incidents, one of these being theft.

While adding comprehensive coverage to your policy will likely increase your premium for more information on how much car insurance costs per month in Ontario, contact BrokerLink, it can also add considerable peace of mind. This is because, by adding comprehensive coverage to your car insurance plan, your insurer will help pay to replace your vehicle if it is stolen and can’t be recovered. Other risks that comprehensive coverage protects against include vandalism, falling and flying objects, fire, explosions and riots, and weather-related incidents, such as hail.

Comprehensive insurance is also referred to as parked car coverage because it specifically covers losses or damage that occurs while a vehicle is parked. As vehicle theft usually occurs while a car is parked, comprehensive coverage is an important type of insurance to add to your policy, especially if you don’t want to have to pay to replace a stolen vehicle out of pocket. At the end of the day, while other types of car insurance are also important, such as collision car insurance and liability car insurance, neither will protect you against the harsh financial reality of car theft.

Types of theft that comprehensive insurance covers

Types of vehicle theft and theft-related damage that comprehensive car insurance may cover include the following:

  • A missing or stolen car
  • A broken lock or smashed window from an attempted break-in
  • Acts of vandalism, such as slashed tires
  • A thief stealing your car and getting into an accident
  • A thief stealing the catalytic converter, stereo, or another permanent feature of your vehicle
  • Car keys or fob that are stolen or damaged

What comprehensive insurance does not cover

Although comprehensive insurance is, as the name suggests, comprehensive, it does not cover everything. The following is a list of what comprehensive insurance does not cover:

  • Theft of personal belongings, such as a wallet or smartphone, from your car
  • Damage to your car resulting from an accident
  • Medical expenses resulting from an accident
  • Damage to another driver’s car resulting from an accident third party liability car insurance is the type of insurance that covers this
  • For medical expenses for another person resulting from an accident, you will need to add accident benefits coverage to be protected against this
  • Your car being stolen by a member of your household
  • Damage to your rental car from an accident

Comprehensive coverage and theft of personal belongings

It is worth reiterating that comprehensive coverage does not cover the theft of personal belongings. It exclusively covers the theft of your vehicle, not the items inside of it. The only exception to this rule is if your car's permanent fixtures are stolen, like the steering wheel, a built-in stereo, or the catalytic converter. However, valuables, like a wallet or laptop, will not be covered by your insurance company if they are stolen from your car. That said, comprehensive coverage may reimburse policyholders for the cost of repairs related to damage that stems from theft. For example, if someone smashed the passenger window to steal a smartphone from the front seat, you could still file a comprehensive coverage claim with your insurer to help pay for the cost of repairing your window.

How deductibles work for comprehensive coverage

As with any type of insurance, you will need to select a deductible and a coverage limit when adding comprehensive coverage to your policy. Generally speaking, the higher the deductible you choose, the lower your premium will be. Conversely, if you want to choose a low comprehensive deductible, then your premium is likely to go up. For free car Insurance quotes, get in touch with BrokerLink today. Thus, you must select your comprehensive coverage deductible wisely.

Keep in mind that a deductible is the amount of money that the policyholder is required to pay if a loss occurs, and they file an insurance claim. The insurance company will not issue a payout until the deductible has been paid, and the amount will only be for the cost of the incident, less the deductible and up to the policy limit.

For example, if you select a $2,000 comprehensive coverage deductible and your vehicle is stolen, the insurance company will calculate the actual cash value of your car, and issue a payout for that amount, minus your deductible. If they determine the actual cash value to be $20,000, then your payout would be approximately $18,000.

Additional car insurance coverages that may protect against auto theft

While comprehensive coverage is the primary type of car insurance coverage that protects against vehicle theft, there are a few others that offer financial protection in the event that your car is stolen. We break down these three coverages below:

Gap insurance

Gap insurance, also known as guaranteed asset protection insurance, is a type of auto insurance intended for those who lease or finance their vehicles. When you add this type of coverage to your policy and your car is stolen or totalled, your insurance company will help bridge the financial gap between the money you still owe to your leasing or financing company and the value of your car.

In other words, if a thief steals your leased car, gap insurance will prevent you from paying the remainder of your car loan out of pocket and depending on how soon your car was stolen after your lease began, this could amount to a large sum of money. Please note that gap insurance is not mandatory. However, most lenders require borrowers to purchase it.

Limited Waiver of Depreciation

The waiver of depreciation coverage is another type of auto insurance coverage that can help you if your car is stolen and totalled. This type of coverage will help you pay for the cost of a new car if yours needs to be replaced within the first few years of buying it. Most companies offer this coverage for the first 24 to 48 months, depending on their underwriting guidelines. For example, new car replacement coverage can be claimed if your vehicle is totalled in an accident or stolen.

Rental car reimbursement coverage

One last type of car insurance coverage that may be worth adding to your policy if you want to protect yourself against the high cost of vehicle theft is rental car reimbursement coverage. This type of coverage, which may also be referred to as loss of use coverage, can pay for you to take alternate modes of transportation while you do not have access to your car.

If your car is stolen, it could pay for you to rent a car while the police are looking for yours. Whether your stolen car is eventually recovered by law enforcement or not, rental car reimbursement coverage will still pay for you to get around while you don’t have a car of your own to use.

What to do if your car is stolen in Canada

If your car is stolen, there are a few steps you should take. Taking these steps as quickly as possible after the incident occurs is crucial, especially if you want to increase the odds of recovering your vehicle. For a step-by-step guide on what to do if your car is stolen, keep reading:

Contact the police

Just as if you had gotten into a car accident check out this list of common car accidents, you should call the police as soon as you suspect that your car has been stolen. The police will ask for various details about the theft, such as a description of your vehicle, the licence plate number, where you suspect the theft occurred, and your contact details. From there, they will draft a police report and investigate your stolen vehicle.

Let your insurance company know

Step number two is to contact your insurance company and let them know that a theft has occurred. Your insurance company will provide you with instructions on how to proceed with filing a claim. You can also reach out to a BrokerLink insurance advisor for help navigating the claims process.

File an insurance claim

As mentioned, your insurance company will give you clear instructions on how to file a claim. You will likely need to fill out a form and provide as much evidence and information as possible about your vehicle and the circumstances of the theft. Once your claim is submitted, an insurance adjuster will be assigned to your case to determine the actual cash value of your car and, thus, the payout that you will receive should your vehicle not be recovered.

Wait for your insurance payout

If the police do not recover your car, your insurance company will issue a payout based on the actual cash value the insurance adjuster determines. In the case of a stolen vehicle, you usually will not receive your payout until at least 30 days after the incident occurred, just in case law enforcement can track down the car.

Contact BrokerLink today

If you still have questions about stolen vehicles in Canada, including what you can do to prevent your vehicle from being stolen, contact BrokerLink today. We are car insurance experts, and any of our licensed brokers would be happy to explain how various types of auto insurance can protect you from the financial reality of car theft. We can also explain how coverage works, such as if insurance covers towing, and recommend additional protection, like accident forgiveness coverage. Get in touch today to begin the process of finding quality car insurance and request a free quote.

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