How close can you park to a fire hydrant?

6 minute read Published on Aug 25, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

A fire hydrant on a city street.

Almost everyone knows parking too close to a fire hydrant can lead to parking fines. However, you might not know how close you can park to one. This is especially true when it comes to public parking because sometimes, there are limited spaces, and you end up too close to a fire hydrant. That’s why it’s important to know the parking rules.

The fire hydrant parking rules are in place for your own safety and the safety of others. Fire hydrants need to be accessible in the event of an emergency and should never be blocked by a parked vehicle. In the event that you block a fire hydrant, your vehicle may be towed or damaged. At BrokerLink, we are your car insurance experts and are here to tell you what you need to know about parking by a fire hydrant.

Fire hydrant parking rules

Ideally, you should avoid parking by a fire hydrant when possible, but what if you don’t have a choice? Fire hydrants can be found throughout your community and are there to keep everyone safe. Let’s talk about the rules around parking close to fire hydrants so you know what to do if you end up in one of these following situations:

Allowed parking distance from a fire hydrant

How far away do you have to park from a fire hydrant? In Canada, the provinces and territories have different rules when it comes to parking close to fire hydrants. For example, in Ontario, you cannot park your vehicle within three metres of a fire hydrant and in Alberta, you have to park at least five metres away from a fire hydrant. Visit your local city hall to learn the laws of your municipality.

When its permissible to park near a fire hydrant

Can you park near a fire hydrant if you aren’t staying long? No! You can never park close to a fire hydrant because it will result in a parking ticket and a parking fine. This is still the case if you park within a certain distance when unloading your vehicle. Be aware of your surroundings to avoid parking too close to a fire hydrant.

While most municipalities use the three metre rule, not everywhere does. Always double check because you avoid parking within the indicated distance. There is often no valid reason to block access to a fire hydrant in any city. Doing so can come with serious consequences, which we will get into shortly.

Consequences of parking too close to fire hydrants

If you park within a certain distance of a fire hydrant, you will have to deal with the consequences. These include parking tickets, parking fines, and additional penalties. That’s why you should be careful to avoid parking in certain areas. What happens if you get caught parking too close to a fire hydrant? It’s time to find out:

Parking tickets and parking fines

As mentioned earlier, parking too close to a fire hydrant can lead to parking tickets and parking fines. The costs will vary depending on where you live. However, in Ontario, the fine usually costs around $100. This can be paid in person at your local city hall or online.


Obviously, paying for parking tickets and parking fines can be a pain. However, if you’ve been caught parking in front of fire hydrants before, a tow truck might take your vehicle away. On top of these fees, you will have to pay to get your vehicle back from the impound lot. Before picking up your vehicle, you should check if you have insurance coverage for towing. It can reduce the fees you pay.

Broken windows

Being parked in front of a fire hydrant when firefighters need to access it can result in vehicle damage. How so? Well, if there is a fire nearby, firefighters might have to break your car windows to ensure the hose can extend in a straight line for maximum water pressure.

When parking on the street, you should do so with caution. Getting too close to fire hydrants can be pricey for a multitude of reasons. Fire hydrants keep everyone safe across the country. From Ontario to British Columbia, they need to be accessible from the street. However, if you can prove that you had a valid reason for parking near the fire hydrant, you can reduce or eliminate the costs of the ticket and fine. We will talk about that next.

Disputing a fire hydrant parking ticket

Can you dispute a fire hydrant parking ticket? Well, the answer is yes, but it’s an uphill battle to do so. When you choose this option, you will have to plead your case to convince people that you shouldn’t have to pay the fee or only pay a portion of the fee. However, unless you can explain a valid reason for parking next to the fire hydrant, you will have to pay the costs in their entirety.

Most people don’t have the option to protest for a parking ticket, and the best option is to pay the ticket off right away. If you ignore it, the cost will go up over time. Your best bet is to pay the costs while they are lower to avoid the hassle that comes with going to court and fighting your case. Next, we will discuss ways you can avoid parking too close to a fire hydrant.

Ways to avoid parking too close to fire hydrants

Fire hydrant parking fines and fire hydrant parking tickets can add up over time. You don’t want to get your car towed or windows broken, either. That’s why you should be vigilant when parking on the street; you can still get into trouble even if the hydrant isn’t directly on the road. Here are our tips to avoid parking too close to one:

Be observant

For example, when you’re driving down the road, you need to be observant. Speaking of which, our safe driving tips can help. Before parking your vehicle, you should look for fire hydrants. That’s because you might unknowingly park too close to one. Sometimes, fire hydrants are across the curb or next to buildings. You should still be three metres or nine feet away from the point where the fire hydrant is parallel to the curb.

Watch for signs

No parking or fire route signs are dead giveaways that a fire hydrant is nearby. A no-parking sign could be because of a rule set out by a municipality, but why take the risk? Fire routes are marked as such because they are areas where fire trucks need to go when there is an emergency. If there isn’t enough space for emergency vehicles to get through, you will suffer the consequences.

Plan ahead

Before driving to your destination, you find out about the parking situation. Public parking lots will reduce your chances of getting fire hydrant parking tickets or fines because they will not get in the way if there is a fire. Parking lot accidents are less likely. Sometimes, your GPS can suggest your parking for your destination. When parking in lowlight conditions, turn on your parking lights so other vehicles can see you.

Be careful where you stop

Even if you need to stop for a moment, you should stay out of the fire route to avoid a parking ticket. No stopping zones and no standing zones can be near fire hydrants. Double-check that there aren’t any signs nearby because you could unintentionally block an area that firefighters need to get to. After all, you don’t want your insurance claim to get denied because you didn’t follow the rules of the road.

Consider public transit

Public transit will save you the time it would take to find a parking spot. You also won’t have to worry about the costs of accidentally parking too close to a fire hydrant. Additionally, it’s more economical and environmentally friendly than driving your car through the city.

Fire hydrant parking rules are strict, but for good reason. Firefighters need to access fire hydrants during an emergency to power their hoses. Blocking a fire hydrant can put lives at risk, so it’s important to steer clear of them.

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