Why get car insurance in London, Ontario?
It is extremely important to have car insurance; London drivers cannot legally operate their cars on public roads without car insurance. Simply put, it is mandatory to carry car insurance. As mentioned previously, you could face severe fines if you get behind the wheel of your car without proper coverage. In the province, there is mandatory coverage you must carry, and you will have the option to purchase additional coverage options, such as comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, etc. We have compiled a few pros to having car insurance. London drivers may find it beneficial to know that:
1. Your vehicle will be protected if you get into an accident
Car accidents are very common and can happen at any time. They may be your fault, or you may have no fault in the accident whatsoever. Another driver may end up making a mistake that you have no control over, and unfortunately, that may lead to serious damage to your car. Collision insurance is specifically designed to cover the cost of repairs and replacements, up until your policy's limits.
2. You'll be protected if you are injured in an accident
If you were to get into a car accident and get injured, there might be a lot of costs you don’t expect. Things like physical therapy might not be provided by OHIP. Your coverage may be able to help with these costs. In London, car insurance is designed to include accident benefits coverage, but you can enhance this coverage by a certain amount if you so choose.
3. You could be covered if your vehicle is damaged by something other than a car
There are many natural causes that can ultimately cause damage to your car, including things like bad weather, animals and tree branches. Damage from natural events is no one’s fault, but it can be very costly to repair. If you have comprehensive insurance, damages from nature, falling objects, and even wildlife may be covered by your auto insurance.
4. You could be covered in the event of a theft or vandalism
If someone were to steal your vehicle, break-in, or vandalize it, your insurance can help you with the repair or replacement costs. This is part of comprehensive insurance, which is an optional addition to an existing car insurance policy in London.