Factors that influence Chevrolet insurance premiums
When shopping for Chevrolet car insurance, you’ll notice that insurance companies consider several factors when calculating your rate. From your age to your driving record, the most common factors used to calculate Chevrolet insurance premiums are below.
Your age will be used to determine how much you pay for car insurance. The younger you are, the less experience you have, and the higher your premium. Seniors may pay more for car insurance based on statistical data.
Where you plan to drive your Chevrolet vehicle will also impact your insurance rate. If you live in a populous part of the country, like the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), you may pay more for insurance simply because there is more traffic on the road and therefore your odds of getting into an accident go up. However, if you live in a rural part of the country, your insurance premium may be less. Further, if you live in an area that is prone to climate related weather incidents, such as floods, you may pay more for Chevrolet auto insurance.
Driving history
One’s driving history, which includes their driving experience and driving record, is sure to be taken into account when calculating their insurance premium. Having years or even decades of driving experience can work to your advantage - if you have a clean driving record, that is. A clean driving record means a record free from speeding tickets, collisions, DUI charges, and demerit points. Such a record speaks to your abilities as a driver. The cleaner your record, the more responsible you seem, and the more likely it is that the insurance company will lower your premium.
Chevrolet model and year
Which Chevrolet car you purchase and whether it’s new or used can impact your insurance premiums. In general, the more expensive the vehicle, the more it will cost to insure, simply because repairs and the cost of parts are typically higher. This means that choosing one of the cheaper Chevrolet models, such as the Spark, or even choosing an older, used Chevrolet rather than a new one, could save you money on car insurance.
How long you’ve owned your Chevrolet
How long you’ve owned your Chevrolet could affect how much you pay for auto insurance. If you’ve owned your vehicle for years without any incidents to speak of, this indicates that you are a safe and responsible car owner. On the other hand, if you purchase a new vehicle every year, your insurance premium may be higher. Therefore, if you recently bought a new Chevrolet, we recommend owning it for as long as possible, as doing so could result in savings down the line.