Tips for new drivers in Calgary
New drivers are often nervous. Like any skill, driving takes practice to fully master. If you have a new driver in your home, pay attention to safety features in your car and ask about them when you purchase a new car.
Your new driver will need a lot of practice behind the wheel. If their parent makes them nervous, it might be a good idea to have someone else drive with them to help them learn better. It's also an excellent idea to take drivers’ education courses. You might even have your young driver take the course a second time to provide them with more instruction and practice before they're on the road on their own.
Can I drive without insurance in Calgary, Alberta?
No, you cannot drive without auto insurance in Calgary or elsewhere in Alberta, as driving uninsured is against the law. If caught driving without a valid, up-to-date car insurance policy, you could face serious consequences, ranging from hefty fines to jail time.
For example, an uninsured motorist can be fined between $2,875 and $10,000 for a first offense in Alberta. Failure to pay this fine can result in jail time ranging from 45 days to 6 months.
For a second offense in Alberta, the minimum fine for driving without insurance is $5,000, and the maximum fine is $20,000. Again, failure to pay the fine can result in jail time lasting anywhere between 60 days and 6 months.
Therefore, driving without insurance in Alberta is not worth the risk. So if you are currently driving without insurance or if your existing policy is set to expire, do yourself a favour and contact BrokerLink. One of our expert insurance advisors will be happy to help you find a competitive policy that complies with Alberta’s minimum coverage requirements.
Why purchase Calgary car insurance?
Beyond car insurance being mandatory in Alberta, there are many reasons Calgary drivers choose to buy auto insurance. Namely, car insurance offers financial protection in a wide range of circumstances. From collisions to bodily injury, your car insurance policy can safeguard you against some of the most common risks of driving. Keep reading to discover the top four reasons Calgary drivers purchase car insurance:
You are protected in case of bodily injury
Car accidents can easily lead to injuries. Thankfully, most standard car insurance plans in Alberta include bodily injury coverage, so if you require medical attention following an accident, you can seek compensation from your insurer to help cover the cost of medical expenses. Specifically, car insurance coverage can pay for medical expenses not covered by health insurance, such as prescription medications or rehabilitation.
You are protected in the event of an accident
Car insurance offers financial protection should you get into a collision on the road. Auto accidents happen every day, even to the safest of drivers, and they may result in costly damage to your vehicle. But if you have car insurance in Calgary, your insurance provider can help pay for the cost of repairing or replacing a vehicle damaged in a collision.
You are protected in case of theft
If you choose to include comprehensive coverage in your Calgary auto insurance policy, then you and your vehicle may be protected in the event of theft. This means that your insurance provider will help pay for the cost of replacing your vehicle if it is stolen. This type of coverage may also protect your car against vandalism, fire, and water damage.
You are in compliance with the law
Last but not least, purchasing Calgary auto insurance means you are in compliance with provincial law. Getting behind the wheel without insurance in Alberta can have serious consequences, financially and otherwise. For example, if caught driving uninsured, you could temporarily lose your driver’s license and be fined up to $20,000.
We’re in your community
BrokerLink puts the community first. We think of ourselves as a key part of the Calgary community, which is why we love supporting our local customers in any way we can. Whether you need help finding the right car insurance policy or simply want advice on Calgary auto insurance, the BrokerLink team is here.