Property and Home Inspectors Insurance

As a property and home inspector, you offer an important service to your clients, who trust you to provide a professional assessment of their major investment. Because the service you provide involves clients relying on your skills, expertise and advice, there is an element of risk in the event of an error or omission. That’s why it’s important to be prepared by having an insurance policy in place that is tailored to the needs of a property and home inspector’s business.

Read more to learn how we can customize an insurance policy to meet all of your specific business needs.

Why do I need insurance as a home and property inspector?

The services provided by a property and home inspector can vary, as your job is to assess many different types of properties. Having the right coverage in place can protect your livelihood if a claim is brought against you and your business. Key coverage available includes:

  • Errors & Omissions Liability
  • Commercial General Liability
  • Business Property
  • Crime Coverage (including Fidelity Bond)
  • Cyber

What services are covered?

One of the advantages of working with BrokerLink is that multiple inspector operations can be covered under one policy, including:

  • Residential Inspections
  • Commercial Inspections
  • Radon Testing
  • WETT Inspections
  • Energuide Services
  • Pre-delivery Inspections
  • Wood Destroying Organisms / Termite Inspections
  • Septic Inspections

Why choose BrokerLink?

Our application process is simple, our coverage is comprehensive and the insurance policy can be tailored to your specific needs. Plus, the BrokerLink advantage includes:

  • Expertise: 30 years of experience covering property and home inspectors.
  • Value and convenience: Multiple inspector operations can be covered under one policy.
  • Support: Claims assistance and expert advice provided throughout the entire process.

Contact us for a free quote today!

Our professional, dedicated team can help protect your business and your reputation, with coverage designed for your specific business needs.

Learn more and get a quote today by contacting Chris Healy:


[email protected]

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