You can insure that?

Some insurance policies have to be seen to be believed.

Aug 19, 2014 1 minute read

Group Motorcycle Safety

Taking a motorcycle ride is a great summer activity, ma...

Jul 29, 2014 1 minute read

Employee Dishonesty: Is Your Business Covered?

No business wants to experience dishonest or fraudulent acts in the workplace; however, it’s important for you...

Jul 14, 2014 2 minute read

Did you know? Celebrities & Insurance

What do David Beckham, Keith Richards and Dolly Parton have in common? They all have various parts of their bo...

Jul 2, 2014 1 minute read

Insurance 101

Between graduations, vacations and buying new cars or homes, it can be an exciting time. While making your pla...

Jun 10, 2014 3 minute read

Ask a Broker: Vehicle Coverage

Who can drive my car and who is covered?

Jun 2, 2014 1 minute read

Backyard Safety Tips

To ensure your backyard is a safe one for your family and friends, we’ve compiled a check-list of common hazar...

May 8, 2014 4 minute read

Tire tips for a smooth ride

One simple, but major safety check point is frequently being neglected – checking your tires.

Apr 29, 2014 4 minute read