Affected by storms in Atlantic Canada? How insuran...

If you’ve experienced damage to your property and...

Mar 19, 2015 4 minute read

What should you do when you’ve hit a parked car?

Crowded parking lots can be a driver’s nightmare and ar...

Mar 19, 2015 1 minute read

Should I get summer tires?

Many Canadians install winter tires to prepare for the long, snowy winters each year. Should the opposite hold...

Mar 17, 2015 1 minute read

Moving in together? Don’t forget about insurance.

Moving in with a significant other marks a new chapter...

Mar 11, 2015 1 minute read

What to do after a hit and run accident?

Have you ever parked your car and returned hours later only to find a mysterious dent or scratch? If so, you’v...

Mar 4, 2015 1 minute read

Does being a good driver mean you can save on your...

Recently, the insurance landscape has evolved to include usage-based insurance as a way to change how insuranc...

Mar 3, 2015 1 minute read

Will you be prepared for the next big storm?

Will you be prepared for the next big storm?

Jan 27, 2015 1 minute read

Twas the Night Before Christmas (BrokerLink’s rete...

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Dec 24, 2014 1 minute read