Your step-by-step guide to checking your demerit points in Ontario

9 minute read Published on Jun 18, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

Have you ever wondered about the demerit points on your driver’s licence? These points are not a good thing to have. The more points you collect, the closer you might be to facing penalties, like paying more for car insurance or even losing your licence. But don’t worry—this blog will explain all you need to know about demerit points in Ontario and how to check if you have any.

How do demerit points work?

In Ontario, demerit points are like a system that tracks drivers’ mistakes on the road. Think of them as negative points you get for not following the rules while driving. If you do something wrong, like speeding, you get a few of these bad points on your driving record. The worse the mistake, the more demerit points you get:

Minor infractions

Small mistakes might give you a few points. These include driving a little over the speed limit or forgetting to signal when you turn. Minor infractors usually cost two to three demerit points.

Major infractions

Bigger driving mistakes give you more points. These include things like exceeding the speed limit by 30km/h up to 49km/h, failing to stop for emergency vehicles, or running a red light. These cost three to five demerit points.

Criminal offences

Criminal offences give you the most points and can even lead to serious legal trouble. This includes things like stunt driving, careless driving, driving after drinking, or leaving the scene if you’re in an accident. You’re looking at receiving six to seven demerit points for criminal offences.

For new drivers in the Graduated Licensing System, accumulating two to five points could lead to warnings or meetings to discuss your driving behaviour. At six points, you might face a licence suspension.

Drivers with a full licence are allowed more points, but if you reach 15, you could also lose your licence.

Losing points isn’t something you want. Ontario’s demerit point system is a warning system that nudges you towards safer driving habits. If you collect too many demerit points, you could face serious consequences like losing your licence, paying more for car insurance, or even retaking your driving tests. It’s a way to ensure everyone is safe while driving.

Why should you keep track of your demerit points?

Keeping track of your demerit points helps you avoid surprises and suspensions and can even help you save money on your insurance. Here’s why in more detail:

To avoid surprises when renewing your licence

When it’s time to renew your Ontario driver’s licence, having too many points could mean trouble. Imagine planning a road trip only to find out your licence is suspended. Keeping an eye on your points helps you avoid these unwelcome surprises.

To save money

More demerit points often mean higher insurance rates for all types of car insurance, as insurance companies see you as a higher-risk driver. By knowing your demerit point balance, you can take steps to keep it low and potentially save money on insurance.

To stay on the road

Collecting too many points can lead to a driver’s licence suspension. Monitoring your points can help you make better driving decisions to keep your licence active.

To have peace of mind

Knowing you have a clean or nearly clean driving record can take a load off your mind. Keeping track of your demerit points can give you a strong sense of preparation and confidence, especially if you have zero demerit points.

How to check demerit points on your licence in Ontario

Whether you’re a tech whiz and prefer doing things online or you like the personal touch of a face-to-face visit, keeping tabs on your demerit points is a smart move for any driver. Here’s our simple step-by-step guide to checking your demerit points in Ontario:

Step 1: Gather your documents

First things first, you need your driver’s licence handy. It has your driver’s licence or master number, which you’ll need to access your driving record.

Step 2: Choose your method

You’ve got a few options here. You can check your demerit points online or in person. Each way is a bit different, so pick what feels right for you:


  • Visit the official ServiceOntario website. It’s the go-to place for all things driving in Ontario.
  • If you’ve been here before, log in. If it’s your first time, you’ll need to sign up first.
  • Enter your driver’s licence number to get to your record.
  • Once you’re in, you’ll see how many demerit points you have.


  • Find the closest ServiceOntario centre.
  • Make sure you have your driver’s licence and another piece of ID to show them.
  • Tell the person at the counter you want to check your demerit points. They’ll know exactly what you mean and will help you out.
  • The person at the counter will print out a copy of your driving record, including your demerit points.

Once you have your record, take a moment to see how many points you’ve got. If your points are low, great job! Keep driving safely. If they’re getting up there, it’s time to think about how you can drive more carefully to avoid getting any more.

What is the maximum number of demerit points in Ontario?

In Ontario, the maximum number of demerit points varies from 9 to 15 depending on the type of driver’s license you have. Let’s break down what happens at different point levels and any demerit point penalties:

Fully licenced drivers (G licence)

Up to 8 points

You might receive a warning letter from the Ministry of Transportation. It’s like a heads-up, letting you know you’re getting close to the limit.

9 to 14 points

At this stage, you could be called in for an interview to discuss your driving record and why you’ve accumulated so many points. There may be a fee for this meeting, and you could lose your licence if you don’t show up to this meeting.

15 points or more

This is where you hit the maximum allowed points, leading to an automatic 30-day licence suspension for the first time. If it happens again, the suspension period can be longer.

New drivers (G1, G2, M1, M2, M2-L or M2-M licences)

2 to 5 points

New drivers receive a warning letter, much like fully licenced drivers.

6 to 8 points

This triggers a meeting with the Ministry of Transportation to discuss your driving record. Not attending can lead to licence suspension.

9 points or more

New drivers face a 60-day licence suspension for reaching this threshold. Repeated occurrences may lead to even longer suspension periods.

Types of traffic violations that lead to demerit points in Ontario

In Ontario, the number of demerit points you get depends on how serious of a Highway Traffic Act offence you commit. Here’s a look at some of the violations that can earn you demerit points:

Minor driving convictions

  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Driving under the speed limit
  • Improper passing
  • Failing to signal
  • Failing to turn off your high beams

Moderate driving convictions

  • Speeding 16 to 29 km/h over the limit
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Running a stop sign or red light
  • Driving the wrong way on a one-way road
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving through a railway crossing barrier

Major driving convictions

  • Speeding 30 to 49 km/h over the limit
  • Driving through railway crossings improperly
  • Following another vehicle too closely
  • Driving without a licence

Criminal driving convictions

  • Speeding more than 50 km/h over the limit
  • Stunt driving/racing
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Careless driving
  • Failing to stop for police
  • Failing to remain at the scene of an accident
  • Failing to stop for a school bus

Can you reduce the number of demerit points you have?

In Ontario, you can’t directly reduce the number of demerit points you have by taking a course or through other means once they’re on your driving record. However, there are a couple of ways you can try to potentially lessen the points or impact of a ticket before it’s applied. Here’s what you can do:

Challenge the traffic ticket in court

If you receive a traffic ticket from a police officer, such as a speeding ticket or perhaps a red-light camera ticket in the mail, and you think it wasn’t fair, you can argue against it in court. If the court agrees with you, you might get the ticket lowered or tossed out, which could mean fewer or no demerit points.

Plead for a lesser offence

Sometimes, you can admit to a smaller mistake that doesn’t carry as many demerit points. This usually means going to court and explaining why you think you deserve a lesser offence.

Higher legal representation

Talking to a lawyer or someone who knows much about traffic tickets can help. They can give you advice, speak for you in court, and try to get a better deal for you.

Remember, the best strategy is always to drive safely and follow all traffic laws so you don’t accumulate demerit points in the first place. And if you do end up with demerit points applied to your licence, they will remain there for two years.

How long do demerit points stay on your driver’s licence in Ontario?

In Ontario, demerit points stick to your driver’s licence for two years from the date of the offence. This means if you get points for a traffic violation, they won’t be there forever. After two years from the day you broke the law, those points get wiped clean from your record. It’s like the slate is being cleaned so you can start fresh, but remember, the goal is to always keep it as clean as possible by following the rules of the road.

Do you get demerit points in Ontario for parking tickets?

No, you won’t get demerit points for parking tickets in Ontario. Demerit points are only for when you’re driving unsafely, like going too fast or ignoring a red light. Parking tickets happen when your car isn’t moving, such as if you park in a no-parking zone. Even though parking tickets don’t affect your demerit points, paying them on time is still important. If you don’t, you could incur extra fines or run into trouble when you need to renew your car’s registration.

How does having demerit points impact my Ontario car insurance premiums?

Your car insurance rates could increase if you get demerit points on your driver’s licence in Ontario. Insurance companies think drivers with demerit points are more likely to get into car accidents or get more tickets because the points show you’ve made some unsafe choices on the road.

Since you are viewed as a bigger risk, the insurance company might charge you higher rates to cover that risk. The more serious your traffic violations and the more points you have, the more you might have to pay. Plus, if you had received a safe driving discount from your insurance company before you received your demerit points, you’ll likely pay more now since you’ll probably lose this discount, too.

However, the higher cost because of demerit points doesn’t stick around forever. If you keep your driving record clean and don’t get more points, your insurance cost can start to drop after a while.


Keeping an eye on your demerit points in Ontario is a key part of being a smart and safe driver. Whether you check your points online or in person, understanding how many points you have can help you avoid unexpected surprises and pay higher interest rates. By staying informed and driving carefully, you can keep your points low and your driving record clean.

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How long do demerit points stay on your licence in Ontario?

Demerit points stay on your Ontario licence for two years from the date you got them. After two years, they are removed from your record.

Do two demerit points affect insurance in Ontario?

Yes, even two demerit points can affect your insurance. Insurance companies look at points to decide how risky you are to insure so that any points might increase your rates.

How many demerit points do you get for speeding in Ontario?

The demerit points for speeding depend on how fast you were going over the limit: zero points for 15km/h or less, three points for going 16-29 km/h over, four points for going 30-49 km/h over, and six points for going 50 km/h or more over.

Do demerit points transfer between provinces in Canada?

Yes, demerit points can transfer between provinces in Canada. If you get a ticket in one province, the points can be added to your driving record in your home province. This is because most provinces have agreements to share this kind of information to encourage safe driving across Canada.

If you have any questions, contact one of our local branches.