With places to be and people to see, the last thing most motorists want to do is get their oil changed. So, how long does an oil change take? In truth, the time it takes to have an oil change depends on numerous factors. That said, many cars are typically serviced in 30 minutes to one hour.
To learn more about the ins and outs of oil changes, keep reading!
Can an oil change be done in 10 minutes?
Usually, it takes longer than 10 minutes to do an oil change, especially when a qualified technician or service provider is involved. Draining the old oil, removing and replacing the oil filter, pouring fresh oil, and checking the car for additional problems are all procedures in an oil change that take time to complete.
Why does it take so long for an oil change?
Your oil change wait time may take longer than usual, the usual 30 minutes to one hour, for a couple of reasons. Here’s a closer look as to why this may be:
Oil draining
If your old oil is incredibly oily or thick, it may take longer to drain than usual. Regardless, oil drainage is mandatory in order to replenish the engine with fresh oil.
Oil filter replacement
Changing the oil requires removing and changing the oil filter as well. To avoid leaks and maintain effective filtration, caution must be taken to guarantee that the new filter is installed correctly.
Oil replacement
Pouring the right kind and amount of new oil demands accuracy. Rushing through this oil change process increases the risk of overfilling or underfilling the engine, which might result in issues later down the line.
A lot of oil changes come with a quick vehicle check. This can take more time, but it is done to look for leaks, worn parts, and other possible issues.
Quality control
Expert service providers take their time to make sure that each step is carried out correctly. Rushing through the procedure increases the risk of errors and future issues.
Remember, this type of preventative auto maintenance is crucial to ensuring the longevity of your vehicle's engine. As such, we recommend prioritizing your appointment throughout the year. Additionally, if you're in a rush, we suggest that you not try and do your own oil change unless you have previous experience doing so, as it can lead to damage.
Do I need to show automotive maintenance records to renew my car insurance?
If you've been wondering what documents you need for your insurance, If so, you’re not alone. Most of the time, you may renew your auto insurance without having to provide maintenance documents. When evaluating and pricing insurance plans, auto insurance companies frequently consider elements including your driving record, the make and model of your car, where you live, and numerous risk variables.
Typically, they don't ask for or check your car's maintenance history throughout the insurance procedure, whether you are renewing your policy or starting a whole new one.
How long should I be waiting for an oil change?
How often should you change your oil? This question will vary based on a number of factors. However, generally speaking, drivers should strive to replace their oil and oil filters every 5,000 kilometres. Although it might seem excessive, most car manufacturers recommend regular oil changes to guard against damage and keep reliable vehicles on our roadways.
That said, with newer engines and better oil, you might be able to delay changes for a more extended period of time. You can find the best option for your requirements by contacting a local mechanic for more tailored advice.
Additionally, as part of regular winter car maintenance, drivers need to think about getting their oils changed as well. This is a must since cold weather causes your engine oil to thicken, which makes it harder to start your vehicle. It goes without saying that you won't want to spend this winter stuck in the cold.
At the same time, car maintenance for road trips is also a must. Anything can happen when you're on the road. And even though you may have a good car insurance plan, you can still get stuck on the side of the highway in a place where you're not familiar.
How much does an oil change cost?
The price of an oil change is a common question you’re likely to have, especially if you’re buying your first car. Drivers in Canada may anticipate paying, on average, between $40 and $75, although the cost will vary depending on a number of factors. Perhaps your car may need more than just a simple oil change if it is under warranty.
Because synthetic oil is made to offer engines more protection and performance, it is more expensive than normal oil. As a result, drivers may anticipate paying between $65 and $135 for a synthetic oil change, which is significantly more costly than a traditional oil change.
Do oil changes extend vehicle life?
The average mileage for the lifespan of a vehicle is approximately 322,000 kilometres. As a result, vehicles tend to have an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years, if not longer.
Even so, a variety of circumstances will affect how long the lifespan of your own car is. For example, regular maintenance checks, which include frequently changing your car's oil, are the greatest approach to increase its lifespan and maintain an effective fuel economy. It's also a good idea to have your brakes checked often and ensure your tires are in good health, especially throughout the wintertime.
Contact BrokerLink today
Looking to buy car insurance? If so, BrokerLink is here to help make it happen. We’re pleased to offer a wide range of high-quality types of auto insurance that we can customize to your unique needs, budget, and vehicle. Please feel free to contact our team anytime through phone, email, or live chat if you have any questions!
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