What are good driving habits?

13 minute read Published on Nov 17, 2024 by BrokerLink Communications

A person sitting in the passenger seat adjusting the mirror.

In a survey conducted by Belair Insurance, 93 percent of Canadian drivers admitted to practicing at least one bad driving habit. This number may seem scary, but it’s important to note that driving is a never-ending learning process. Because of this, people are constantly acquiring and practicing new driving skills. Learning what makes someone a “good driver” and applying said skills to our driving can hopefully decrease this number over time.

A “good driver” is someone who practices safe and tactical driving skills. Practicing safe driving habits protects you and other drivers on the road. With that said, it’s time to learn about good driving habits and how you can become a better driver.

Five habits good drivers display that you should practice behind the wheel

Practicing good driving habits means avoiding bad driving habits. Even an experienced driver makes mistakes from time to time. It’s important to learn from these mistakes to avoid accidents and become a better driver. Otherwise, you are taking a risk every time you hit the road. Let’s discuss habits you should develop to become a better driver over time:

Stay focused

Distracted driving accounts for nearly 80 percent of collisions in Canada. This is because many people think they have the ability to multi-task. Despite this, we actually can only consciously attend to one thing at a time.

Unfortunately, there are many different ways for a driver to become distracted while on the road. However, the most common among them is texting or talking on the phone. Putting your cell phone away while driving is an important habit to develop to become a safer driver.

Consider using a hand-free device as an alternative — it will help you keep your eyes on the road, but to be honest, the best way to stay safe is by avoiding using any devices at all. Did you know that the act of listening to someone talk reduces the amount of brain activity used for driving by 37 percent?

Besides cell phone use, many other things can be potential hazards to your driving. Examples include your radio, your passengers, your GPS system and food and drinks. Avoid putting yourself in danger. Eliminate these distractors or only engage with them while stopped at a light or parked.

Practice defensive driving

Defensive driving is a set of driving skills that help you anticipate the actions of other drivers and defend yourself against said actions. Having these skills is essential to your safety on the road, and they are used by the majority of safe drivers. However, defensive driving feels like a broad term. With that said, here are three skills and habits that fall into this driving category:

Observe the roads

When you’re driving, you should always be aware of your surroundings. Observation is a vital defensive driving skill to have. In other words, frequently check your mirrors, look at your blind spots, observe other drivers and cars around you, and focus on the road at least 12-15 seconds in front of you.

Identify and adapt to hazards

You can come into contact with many potential hazards while driving. Learning how to identify said hazards and understanding how to adjust your driving to safely avoid them is essential. For example, you can identify changing road conditions when a sudden storm causes an onslaught of rain. In adverse weather conditions, your driving will change. If the roads are slippery, you will likely need to drive slower.

Expect other drivers to make mistakes

You can reduce your risk of being involved in an accident by expecting others to make mistakes. By being prepared, you can plan to react appropriately. You should never depend on other drivers to ensure your safety — staying safe on the road is completely up to you. You should make sure that other drivers can see you and be aware of your presence on the road.

Maintain a safe following distance

It’s easy to forget to maintain a safe following distance, but it makes a huge difference. Keeping a safe distance between you and the car in front of you matters. The general rule of thumb is maintaining a two to three-second gap between cars or a car’s length of space.

This habit will help you avoid getting into a collision. If the car in front of you has to brake suddenly, you can easily hit their car if you are following too closely. By leaving a wide enough gap between you and them, you can have enough space to make a sudden stop without hitting the vehicle in front of you.

Stay informed and knowledgeable

Knowledge is power, especially when behind the wheel of a car. Understanding the rules of the and how to stay safe is an important habit to practice. Whether you’re a new or experienced driver, constantly learning is essential to staying safe on the road.

You should familiarize yourself with driving laws and regulations and have basic knowledge of cars in general. Knowing all the signs and warnings on the dashboard, the type of transmission you have, and all the safety features your vehicle comes with makes a difference. Knowing all this information can help prevent an emergency situation or allow you to be prepared if such an occasion arises.

Outside being knowledgeable about car operations and rules, there are a couple of other things to stay informed and up-to-date about. Many drivers should know about the following:

  • Current and expected weather conditions
  • The ins and outs of your car insurance policy
  • Roadwork or construction plans on frequently travelled roads
  • Traffic updates and route directions

Follow the law!

It might seem like we’re stating the obvious, but the majority of Canadian drivers don’t follow traffic and driving laws while behind the wheel. When driving, remember to stop at all stop signs, yield to pedestrians, use proper turn signals and wear your seatbelts.

The traffic law that most people tend to break is following the speed limit. Speeding is one of the main causes of accidents in Canada. Recent studies suggest that going over the speed limit will increase your risk of getting into a car accident by at least 30 percent. It’s important for drivers to take their time. Even if you are in a rush, speeding is not worth the risk. For example, a 25 km trip will take you 15 minutes if you are travelling at 100km/hr and will take you around 13 minutes at 120km/hr. Two minutes of your time is not worth the risk of an accident.

Many people don’t realize speeding can severely dent their bank accounts. This is because the faster you drive, the more fuel your car uses. You will have to fill up your gas tank a lot more frequently and spend a lot more money doing so if you are someone who speeds frequently.

When you’re on the road, you have to be careful whether you’re in the thick of big city traffic or on a desolate country road. If you’re ever unsure, refer to our safe driving tips. Educating yourself about the rules of the road can help you comply with traffic laws and prevent you from getting potential tickets and points on your record. Making a habit of driving safely can prevent you from falling into bad habits. Speaking of which, we will discuss things you should avoid doing next.

Drive smart, stay safe! Discover the benefits of good driving habits and secure your peace of mind with insurance through BrokerLink today.

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Habits to avoid when driving

Aggressive and unsafe driving are the main reasons people get into car accidents. Sometimes, these issues counteract good driving habits. With that said, by avoiding them, you are keeping the road safer for everyone. It’s not that hard to avoid accidents if you understand what you shouldn’t do. Here’s what we mean:

Disobeying traffic signs

Traffic signs are there to keep you safe. Ignoring them can result in an accident or fine, which can lead to higher car insurance rates. However, these signs aren’t just there for your safety — they also protect pedestrians and other drivers. Don’t take them as suggestions, as they are the law and can potentially save a life.

For example, at a stop sign, you must come to a full stop and proceed when it’s safe to do so. If you are caught doing a rolling stop, you can get a serious ticket and demerit points added to your driving record. The same goes for yield signs. You must yield to oncoming traffic, which means slowing down or coming to a full stop if necessary.

Aggressive driving and road rage

Aggressive driving comes in many forms, including tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic and partaking in road rage. This habit is both dangerous and illegal. One of the consequences of aggressive driving is potential accidents and confrontations with other drivers.

Remain calm and collected while driving. Ignore aggressive drivers; if one confronts you, do not engage with them and get yourself out of the situation. Practicing patience, tolerance, and respect for other road users is vital.

Improper lane changes and not using turn signals

When you’re changing lanes on the road, you have to be extra careful. In other words, moving over without signalling, cutting off other drivers and weaving in and out of traffic are all things you should avoid. These habits can incite road rage and increase the risk of an accident.

Using turn signals lets other drivers know what you are going to do. If you don’t signal, other drivers won’t know if you’re turning or changing lanes, which can result in an accident. Give enough notice whether you’re changing lanes, turning at an intersection, or merging into traffic. It not only prevents accidents but also all the costs associated with potential property damage and injuries.

In addition to using your signal, keep an eye on your blind spots. Look in your mirrors and over your shoulder to ensure you have enough room to change lanes. Once you complete the maneuver, turn off your signal to avoid confusing other drivers on the road. If you leave your signal on, other drivers might slow down and disrupt the flow of traffic.

Incorrect use of lights

Driving in the dark without your headlights makes it more difficult to see where you’re going — it also makes it more difficult for other drivers to see you. Turn them on when driving at night or in bad weather conditions to improve visibility.

In contrast, using your high beams is helpful when you’re driving down a dark road that doesn’t have any streetlights. However, you shouldn’t forget to turn them off when you reach a well-lit area and when other drivers are approaching. Otherwise, you run the risk of temporarily blinding them and causing an accident.

Not practicing regular maintenance

Basic car maintenance is part of driving safely. Your vehicle should be ready for the road before you take it out. In other words, don’t forget to check tire pressure, change the oil, and inspect your brakes. Otherwise, you risk damaging your vehicle or getting into a car accident.

Don’t forget to clean your windshield, and remember that bald tires can affect your ability to drive safely. Additionally, a broken light stops other cars from knowing when you are turning. Even forgetting to make minor repairs can change things.

The car manufacturer has a maintenance schedule for a reason — use it. It will save you money in the long run while keeping you and your passengers safe. A tune-up, tire rotation or even a car wash are all important and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Avoid bumps on the road (literally and figuratively) by being a safe driver. If you partake in the behaviours listed above, there’s still time to change. If you haven’t gotten into an accident yet, you can mitigate the risk level by learning from your mistakes. It doesn’t matter if you take public transit occasionally. If you drive, you need to focus on safety. Speaking of which, we will discuss the leading causes of accidents in the following section to help you protect yourself.

Leading causes of car accidents

It’s important to be safe no matter where you are driving. However, many drivers don’t know what the leading causes of car accidents are. We’ve already discussed bad driving habits to avoid, but it’s important to note what causes car accidents as well. Understanding factors that often contribute to accidents can prevent you from getting into one. It will also reduce your level of risk on the road and know what to pay attention to. Remember that you should know how to report a car accident just in case you find yourself in such a situation. Here are the main causes of car accidents:

Driving over the speed limit

Not to sound like a broken record, but speeding is always a bad idea. It’s because those driving above the speed limit have less time to stop suddenly. Keep in mind that you are putting your life and the lives of others at risk to save a few minutes. In the end, it’s not worth it. However, remember you should be calling your insurance company even after a minor accident.

Driving under the influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is both unsafe and illegal. No one who’s been drinking or using recreational drugs should get behind the wheel. It takes away from reaction times and the ability to focus on the road. Additionally, having a DUI on your driving record can lead to criminal charges and expensive car insurance rates.

Driving distractions

Texting, talking on a cell phone, eating, and drinking are all types of distracted driving. If you don’t keep your eyes on the road, you run the risk of causing an accident. A phone call can wait, and if you’re feeling hungry, either wait until you get home or pull over and sit down at a table in a restaurant. Distractions come in various forms and shouldn’t be overlooked by anyone.

Unsafe driving

Driving safely will protect you from accidents. That’s why tailgating and changing lanes without looking are unsafe. They are also some of the leading causes of car accidents. You should be vigilant while driving and be aware of your surroundings. Eliminating bad habits early will help you become a better driver for the rest of your life.

Breaking traffic laws

The rules of the road are there to protect you. You have to follow them to avoid penalties such as hefty fines, demerit points and potential accidents. Running a red light or a stop sign has the potential to take a life. Breaking the rules can cause injuries and property damage that you will be held responsible for. You will have to pay for it later with higher car insurance rates.

Car accidents happen every day, but you don’t have to get into one. If you’re careful, you can look out for yourself and other drivers. By avoiding the bad habits we mentioned previously and understanding what causes car accidents, you can adjust your behaviours accordingly. What if you’re a good driver already? If you know how to be safe on the road and haven’t gotten into any accidents, your insurance company will reward you for it. We’ll tell you what we mean shortly.

Rewards for good driving

Did you know that your insurance company will reward you for being a safe driver? Many insurance companies in Canada offer a “good driver” discount to clients who practice safe driving habits. This discount is available to drivers who keep a clean driving record and have no claims or accidents over a specific amount of time. The length of time varies depending on the company with which yourinsuranceis based. Generally, in Canada, a driving record has to be clean for at least three years to qualify for this discount.

How much money does this discount save you? The amount will vary depending on the company that wrote your policy. The discount can be 5-25 percent off your car insurance premium. Some companies offer an incentive to increase your discount if you continue to maintain a clean record and the company your insurance is with. It doesn’t matter what type of auto insurance coverage you have — you can get the discount as long as you are a safe driver.

Car insurance is affected by many factors, including your personal driving habits. Driving safely doesn’t just protect you from potential accidents — it also lowers your car insurance rates. This will save you money in the long run and take away part of the financial burden that comes with purchasing a policy. Consistency is key, which means you should be a safe driver all the time and keep a clean record for years to come to qualify for insurance discounts.

Contact BrokerLink to feel safer on the road

The basics, like following the speed limits and avoiding aggressive driving, might seem like common sense. Despite this, drivers still fall back into old habits. However, you can be the outlier by learning to drive properly and making the road safe for everyone.

Choosing the right car insurance coverage will help pay for any outstanding costs following an accident or collision. What type of coverage do you need, though? That’s a great question. If you consult with a car insurance broker, you can learn about each type of coverage and decide which ones are right for you. Types of coverage include:

Do you consider yourself a “good driver”? Do you have additional questions about the “good driver” discount and whether you qualify for it? Speak with a BrokerLink broker to learn more. Visit us online, give us a call, or stop by one of our community branches.

Get an auto insurance quote 1-866-724-2372