ADHD and car insurance

12 minute read Published on Jan 29, 2025 by BrokerLink Communications

Stylish person driving a car, while looking happy.

Driving is a key part of independent living, but because it requires a lot of attention and focus, it can be tricky for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). If you or someone you know has an ADHD diagnosis, it’s only natural to question whether it could impact someone’s ability to drive, especially since driving involves juggling different mental tasks and managing risks. Understanding how ADHD can affect your driving and car insurance can help you make more informed choices to stay safe on the road.

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder where the brain develops differently. It’s estimated to affect about 2-4% of the population.

ADHD is marked by a consistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These traits can be ongoing, often getting in the way of daily functioning and development. Some common ADHD symptoms include:

  • Overlooking or missing small details
  • Forgetfulness
  • Avoiding tasks that require sustained focus
  • Struggling to concentrate on tasks or conversations
  • Seeming not to listen when spoken to
  • Having difficulty following through and completing tasks

How can having ADHD affect your driving skills?

A study from 2021, which looked at 114,486 people with ADHD, found that those with ADHD are more likely to be involved in transportation accidents. Both adults and teens with ADHD face similar struggles with staying focused and avoiding distractions while driving. The truth is people with ADHD are often at a higher risk for:

  • Getting traffic tickets
  • Car accidents
  • Driving without a valid licence or on a suspended one

This is because they might miss or react slowly to other driver's actions, and sometimes they don't pick up on important cues from their surroundings. Although more experience can help improve driving skills, adults with ADHD still need to stay mindful of how their symptoms impact their driving.

Symptoms of ADHD and driving

Let's break it down a bit more. Here are some ADHD symptoms that can affect driving:


ADHD symptoms can affect cognitive functions, making it harder to stay focused while driving. Traits like distractibility and inattention can reduce concentration, increasing the risk of accidents or injuries. Both adults and teens with ADHD are more likely to be distracted by things like phone notifications while driving.

Drivers with ADHD miss speed limits or stop signs due to distractions or forgetfulness, which could be seen as careless or reckless. People with ADHD also tend to struggle with noticing details, making it easy to overlook important things like stop signs, traffic lights, or even other drivers, raising the risk of collisions.


Impulsivity and trouble with waiting can lead drivers with ADHD to speed or even experience road rage. They often get traffic tickets for things like speeding, running stop signs, or careless driving. These violations can result in losing driving privileges or having a suspended licence.


Forgetfulness can also impact driving safety. Drivers with ADHD might forget to wear a seatbelt or lose their car keys, then speed because they're running late. They may also forget things like traffic laws, parking rules, or time limits, leading to parking fines.

Emotional dysregulation

Some drivers with ADHD worry about handling overwhelming emotions while driving or dealing with traffic. Losing control of emotions can lead to poor decisions and reckless driving, increasing the chances of getting pulled over, causing an accident, or worse, seriously injuring themselves or others.

Challenges with executive function, along with other ADHD symptoms like poor judgment, risk-taking, and thrill-seeking, all add to poor driving incidents and increased risks on the road.

ADHD and driving risks

People with ADHD might struggle with driving because of high levels of distraction and impulsivity, which can make it hard to maintain focus, and slower response times, which can lead to a higher risk of fender benders. As such, having ADHD can lead to more highway collisions and an increased chance of rear-ending other drivers. Let's talk about some potential risks of driving with ADHD:

Distracted driving

Drivers with ADHD are especially vulnerable to distracted driving during boring or low-stimulus situations, like long-distance or highway driving. These scenarios, with high speeds, can increase the risk of serious accidents. Distractions can come from simple things like:

  • Changing the radio
  • Checking your makeup
  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking to someone in the car
  • Talking or texting on your phone
  • Looking for something in the car
  • Daydreaming

Parents with young kids also need to be mindful of distractions from their children or in-car entertainment systems. Penalties for distracted driving can vary by province, but they typically lead to increased fines and possible licence suspensions.

Careless or dangerous driving

Careless driving is when someone drives "without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway." It's a traffic offence and is often punishable by fines, having your driver's licence suspended, increased insurance rates, and possible jail time.

Dangerous driving is when someone drives in a way that puts others at risk, and it's considered a serious criminal offence under section 320.13 of the Canadian Criminal Code. Those with a dangerous driving charge face hefty fines, suspended licences, increased insurance rates, a criminal record, and possible jail time.

People with ADHD who are highly impulsive and prone to risk-taking are more likely to engage in careless or dangerous driving. This is especially common among teenagers, where their brain development may also contribute to taking risks and not fully understanding the consequences of their actions.

Types of careless or dangerous driving include:

  • Road rage
  • Not maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles
  • Excessive speeding, street racing, or stunt driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Crashes caused by careless actions, like texting while driving
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Not checking your mirrors when reversing or changing lanes

Driving without a licence

People who often deal with forgetfulness or misplacing important things—common ADHD symptoms—might frequently forget essential items like their driver’s licence. This can lead to getting tickets if they’re pulled over. Chronic forgetfulness can end up being pretty costly when it comes to driving.

Driving without a licence is illegal in Canada, and you can face fines, having your vehicle impounded, and insurance rate increases if pulled over.

Is it safe for teenagers with ADHD to drive?

Teenagers with ADHD can be safe drivers, but they’re at a higher risk for reckless driving. A 2020 study found that young people with ADHD symptoms were more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. This is why it's important for them to learn how to manage their symptoms.

Nevertheless, it's also important for parents to let their teenagers drive, even if they have an ADHD diagnosis. If parents don't, they might end up driving anyway but without a licence and miss out on the chance to practice driving in a safer setting.

At BrokerLink, we understand that driving with ADHD can bring unique challenges. That's why we're committed to helping you find the right car insurance that meets your needs. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process, ensuring you get comprehensive coverage at a competitive rate.

Get an auto insurance quote 1-866-724-2372

Safe driving tips for drivers with ADHD

People with ADHD can take steps to improve their driving if it's something they struggle with. To help you get started, we've put together the following safe driving tips to help you improve your driving experience:

1. Limit distractions

If you’re easily distracted while driving, turning down the radio and putting your cell phone out of reach can be simple but effective ways to avoid risky driving habits. Also, consider turning off all notifications while driving so the notification sound or vibration doesn't distract you. Further, while we know the smell of those french fries can be very tempting, do your best to eat after you've arrived at your destination. Remember, eating and drinking is just another form of distracted driving.

2. Stay off the phone, even if it’s hands-free

Talking on the phone while driving can make it harder to spot dangers and react quickly. Texting is even worse since it takes your eyes off the road long enough for a serious accident to happen.

Even using a hands-free option isn’t as safe as it seems. It’s actually more distracting than having passengers because your mind is still focused elsewhere, making it easy to mentally “check out” from driving.

3. Take your medication as prescribed

Taking your medication as prescribed is the best way to make sure it works properly. Also, make sure to give your medication enough time to take effect before getting behind the wheel.

4. Consider using a body double

Having someone else in the car can be helpful for staying focused, particularly on long car rides, as long as they don’t become a distraction. People with ADHD often benefit from having a "body double" to help them stay on task, and the same idea can apply to driving if inattention is an issue.

5. Know your triggers for distracted driving

It can be helpful to identify what usually distracts you while driving and come up with a plan to avoid those triggers. For example, if you find yourself zoning out while listening to the radio, it might be better to keep the music off when you're behind the wheel. And if you know you'll be tempted to check your phone, put it in your back seat where it's out of reach.

6. Avoid driving when upset or angry

People with ADHD often have poor emotional regulation, so avoiding driving when you're feeling intense emotions is a smart way to reduce driving risks. Developing good emotional regulation skills can help prevent these situations from happening in the first place.

7. Avoid using cruise control

Using cruise control can cause your attention to wander since it doesn’t require much involvement. This can make it easier to get distracted and lose focus on the road.

8. Consider driving a manual car

Driving a manual or stick shift can help reduce accidents for people with ADHD because it keeps them more engaged. If they’re not paying attention, they might stall the car or grind the gears. Driving a manual car can help you stay more focused on the road, making it less likely you'll get distracted or have lapses in attention while driving.

9. Never drive under the influence

Because of impulsivity, people with ADHD may turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with their symptoms or be more likely to engage in risky drinking or drug usage. Also, adults with ADHD are more affected by even small amounts of alcohol or drugs than drivers without ADHD, making it even riskier for them to be on the road after drinking or using drugs.

10. Find support

It's important to be honest with yourself about how ADHD affects your driving. Connecting with others who have ADHD can give you helpful tips for handling driving challenges. You can also learn from their experiences, which can offer practical strategies for driving more safely. It's also a good idea to seek out support from a psychologist or doctor who can help with diagnosis and treatment options.

Car insurance for ADHD drivers

Not only is car insurance mandatory in Canada for all drivers, but it is especially necessary for drivers with ADHD since they are at an increased risk for car accidents. Here's what types of coverage you need and why:

Third-party liability coverage

Third-party liability coverage is not only mandatory but also essential for drivers with ADHD. It protects them financially if they cause an accident. Since ADHD can make drivers more prone to distractions or impulsive decisions, this coverage helps cover the costs of third-party property damage or injuries to others and even legal fees. The most common minimum coverage requirement in Canada is $200,000, but we'd recommend $2 million.

Accident benefits coverage

Also, mandatory accident benefits coverage is especially beneficial for drivers with ADHD because it provides financial support if they’re injured in an accident, regardless of who’s at fault. Since drivers with ADHD might have a higher risk of being involved in accidents due to issues like distraction or impulsivity, this coverage can help cover medical expenses, rehab costs, and even lost income if they’re unable to work.

Uninsured motorist coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage protects drivers if they’re involved in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance or enough coverage. Car accidents are often expensive, and if the other driver doesn't have enough coverage, you'd be left paying the difference out of your own pocket. This coverage also includes hit-and-run collisions where the driver cannot be later identified.

Direct compensation-property damage (DCPD) coverage

Having direct compensation-property damage (DCPD) coverage makes it easier and quicker to handle the costs of repairs to a driver's own vehicle if they’re in an accident where they’re not at fault. This coverage ensures that, in a not-at-fault accident, they don’t have to deal with the at-fault driver's insurance company, helping to speed up the claims process.

Collision coverage

Collision coverage is optional coverage that is especially helpful for drivers with ADHD because it covers the cost of repairing or replacing their vehicle if they’re involved in an accident, regardless of who’s at fault. Since ADHD can lead to increased risks of accidents due to distractions or impulsive driving, having collision coverage ensures that they won’t face the financial burden of fixing their car after an accident.

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage protects drivers from non-collision-related damages, like theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Since individuals with ADHD may be more prone to forgetting to lock their car or leaving it in risky areas due to inattention, comprehensive coverage ensures they’re financially protected if something unexpected happens to their vehicle.

Accident forgiveness coverage

Now, this coverage can be extremely beneficial for someone with ADHD. Why? Because it prevents their insurance premiums from increasing after their first at-fault accident. Since drivers with ADHD might be more prone to accidents, it allows them to avoid the financial penalty of higher premiums after acollision. However, once you've been in an at-fault accident, you can no longer qualify for accident forgiveness coverage.

ADHD and car insurance premiums

Did you know that, depending on the medical condition, you may have to let your car insurance company know about it? If you don't, when you report a car accident that is a result of your medical condition, you could void your insurance policy.

But don't worry, ADHD isn't one of them. This means that car insurance rates for someone with ADHD are not more expensive up front than for someone who doesn't have ADHD.

However, it's important to mention that frequent car accidents or driving incidents can lead to higher car insurance costs. That means the effects of untreated ADHD symptoms can show up in real-life challenges like more expensive insurance or, in extreme cases, losing your licence. If you’re seeing these patterns in your life, it’s important to seek treatment for your symptoms.

Get car insurance with BrokerLink today

While having ADHD can increase your risk of being in a car accident, it doesn’t mean everyone with ADHD drives recklessly. It’s important to be aware of your symptoms and how they might impact your driving. It's also important to make sure you have the right car insurance coverage to protect you in case you are involved in an accident. BrokerLink can help with that.

You can reach us by phone, email, or in person at any one of our locations throughout Canada. No matter how you choose to get in touch, a BrokerLink insurance advisor will be happy to assist you. We also encourage you to take advantage of our free online quote tool that can provide you with a competitive quote in minutes.

Get an auto insurance quote 1-866-724-2372

FAQs for ADHD and car insurance

Can you drive while taking ADHD medication?

Yes. In fact, taking medication for ADHD, especially stimulant medication, can actually help improve your driving skills. Without treatment, ADHD can make driving more dangerous, highlighting the importance of managing symptoms.

If you have any questions, contact one of our local branches.